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  • Exploring Historical Newspapers in the Digital Age

    Newspapers are imperfect recorders of history, yet they are a key asset for historical research. This lesson deals with how digitised newspapers that are available online change the way historians use newspapers as historical sources, and ask new skills for applying source criticism.
  • Performing Arts: Transitioning to the Digital Age

    The conference aimed to examine the possibilities of connecting information sciences and computer science with performing arts, focusing on three thematic blocks: archiving, artistic practices and scholarly research. The international scientific and professional conference is part of the project of the same name by the DARIAH-EU Working Group Theatralia, which is dedicated to the research of digital technology in the performing arts and the digitization of theatralia, financed from DARIAH-EU funds.
    • Anamarija Žugić Borić
    • Antonia Hladilo Duspara
    • Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar
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  • Introduction to Knowledge Organization Systems

    Knowledge Organization Systems provide the foundation for searching and retrieving information objects across digital collections and cultural heritage information systems. Starting from case studies this course provides an introduction to knowledge organization systems and their practical application in research contexts.
  • Netnography

    Netnography is an adaptation of ethnography to the study of digital interactions. In this course, the ethnographic perspective underpinning Netnography is introduced together with the netnographic approach and different types of netnographic material.
  • Digitalisation and Sustainability

    Digitalisation has been one of the most talked about and evolving concepts of the 21st century, with promises of bringing great new solutions to the world. However, the process of digitalisation is quickly becoming one of the biggest offenders against the goal of sustainability. As this material introduces, we can look into how digitalisation affects the natural environment and our resources, proving that it is not all about the pros.
  • Introduction to the E-spectator Digital Tool for Analysis of Performing Arts

    The Performing Arts’ aesthetic and poetry can be sometimes destabilising at first glance and difficult to analyse because it is ephemeral by nature. The E-Spectator tool enables annotation of videos to better analyse and understand the performing arts. This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the E-Spectator tool, with practical examples and quizzes to guide you along.
    • Elodie Chazalon
    • Cécile Chantraine Braillon
    • Fatiha Idmhand
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  • Text Analysis - Linguistics Meets Data Science

    What are the differences between a data scientist and a corpus linguist? This course provides an overview of the different perspectives on language and different types of tools that can be used for text analytics. It also introduces topic modelling and sentiment analysis as approaches to textual data.
  • Digital Historical Research on European Historical Newspaper with NewsEye Platform

    Since their beginnings in the 17th century, newspapers have recorded billions of events, stories and personal names in almost every language and every country daily. This course from DariahTeach provides an introduction to digitised historical newspaper analysis, incorporating methods of Natural Language Processing for discovering, exploiting and visualising newspapers.
    • Axel Jean Caurant
    • Antoine Doucet
    • Nicolas Sidère
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  • Ethical, Societal and Legal Complexities of Artificial Intelligence

    This tutorial provides interdisciplinary insight into the challenges stemming from the rapid development in and implementation of Artificial Intelligence. Learners will be equipped with a broader understanding of the philosophical issues surrounding AI as well as current real-world examples which are developing our relationship to AI and its growth.
  • Data Analysis with Python

    This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the theoretical and practical foundations of an analysis of socio-cultural objects using Python through theoretical grounding and hands-on case studies. Students will work through several research use cases using basic machine learning, and employ network analysis to split a small community network into groups and clusters before finally learning more about visualisation and image analysis.
    • Zarah van Hout
    • Tobias Blanke
    • Giovanni Colavizza
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